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The Client:


Campaign Title:

"Are We Now Too Impatient to Be Intelligent?


The Brief:
Educate drivers about the dangers of speeding and promote adherence to speed limits


The Insight:
Leveraging the recognisable "For Dummies" branding can engage viewers with relatable and accessible road safety information. Using "saving" as a thematic link in today’s economic context can surprise and capture attention.


Communication Objectives:

  • Highlight the minimal time savings of speeding while emphasizing its risks.

  • Educate drivers on the critical impacts of speed on reaction time, stopping distances, and collision impact.

  • Drive participation and awareness through real-life testimonials and interactive resources.


The Idea:
Create a campaign titled "Saving for Dummies: Save Lives, Not Time" with the "For Dummies" franchise look and feel. Distribute educational booklets at libraries and schools and launch an interactive website and social media campaign to provide easily digestible facts, infographics, and real-life testimonials on speeding. As well as promote this on billboard and posters in hight traffic areas.


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